Capture, create, process, and get your documents approved by anyone, anywhere on any device. No matter if you are in the office or remotely working, DocLink’s digital solution allows you to manage document information and process flow automatically. By going paperless and automating tasks in any department, save a great amount of time by eliminating manual processes throughout your enterprise and have control over your entire document lifecycle from anywhere.
Why should you automate your process
with DocLink?
/media/iy3gzuhe/group.png Easy access to documents
/media/iy3gzuhe/group.png Streamlined approval process
/media/iy3gzuhe/group.png Increased productivity and collaboration
/media/iy3gzuhe/group.png Reduced manual errors
/media/iy3gzuhe/group.png Centrally managed document storage
/media/iy3gzuhe/group.png Powerful and flexible security
Why should you automate your process flow
with DocLink?
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Document Management Manage your isolated data and content across the enterprise
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Workflow and Document Processing Automate and control your data and documents
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Document Capture Capture your documents no matter how they are created or received
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Automated Delivery Schedule and automatically deliver documents to your customers and business partners
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Smart Capture OCR Reduce your manual work capturing and indexing documents using AI-driven OCR
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Smart Forms Configure your own personalized DocLink forms to automatically create, index, and process documents
Types of Deployment Options DocLink offers the flexibility and deployment options for you to keep your teams operational in any situation – whether you are moving to the cloud, keeping everything on-premise, or a mix of both.
/media/opyel14m/database1.png On-Premise
/media/uqrhuo1q/cloud1.png Cloud
/media/ekflabzq/hybrid1.png Hybrid
Learn more about your deployment choices with DocLink.
In Partnership with DocLink WIZTECH is a qualified DocLink reseller and a one-stop end-to-end integration solution provider for our DocLink customers, from customization to end-user support.
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Helping to connect people, processes, and data Get consulted by our specialists to explore more into digitizing your organization’s operations with DocLink.